Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah Surgeon (Trauma Surgeon)
Learn about Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah, Surgeon (Trauma Surgeon). Below you will find all relevant information such as Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah’s qualifications, practice location, practice number, practice area, as well as how to make a booking.
About Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah Surgeon (Trauma Surgeon)
- Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah speciality: Surgeon (Trauma Surgeon)
- Practice Number: Mediclinic Bloemfontein, Suite 110, Cnr Kellner Street & Parfitt Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301
- Practice Location: Mediclinic Bloemfontein
Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah Qualifications:
Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah is a highly qualified Surgeon (Trauma Surgeon), with the following qualifications:
2002 MBChB, University of Bloemfontein
2009 MMed (Surg), University of Bloemfontein
Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah Booking Information
For you to make an appointment with Dr Emmanuel Arko-Cobbah, who currently practices at Mediclinic Bloemfontein, please use the details below:
- Tel: 087 808 0945
- Email:
- Website | https://www.mediclinic.co.za//en/corporate/doctors/6/dr-emmanuel-arko-cobbah.html